At 62 years old I have quite a few memories, but my memories of growing up in the East New York section of Brooklyn are by far, my fondest. Everyone has childhood memories, some great, some not so great, but there's something special about this tiny little corner of the world.
I was born in Lynn Mass. in 1948. My family moved to Brooklyn about 1950. We first moved to the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, then to East New York. We lived on Belmont Avenue near Cleveland Street; later on we moved to an apartment house on Cleveland street. Although there were three of us kids in the early days, (another would come later) I focus on my life with my brother Raymond. We were the best of friends and the worst of enemies, but we were always together.
In some of these little stories you'll see some cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents come into the picture; without the influence of each and every one of them my life would certainly be much different today.
This is not a typical blog but rather a way to capture some important times and share them with not only family and friends, but with other Brooklynites (or anyone that grew up in any other large city) that would enjoy a trip down memory lane.I hope all would enjoy reading these posts and I look forward to any comments, opinions and suggestions that you may have.......E.N.Y. rocks!